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Choosing Between Managed SD-WAN and In-house Implementation

Written by ronbeltz | Feb 4, 2019 6:00:24 AM

When considering a network infrastructure upgrade to software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN), enterprises must first determine whether they will access managed SD-WAN or keep operations in-house.

In most cases, managed SD-WAN makes sense, but for enterprises that have an extensive networking team with software and routing expertise as well as robust engineering resources, developing SD-WAN internally may work well. For those that determine that managed services is a better route, there are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Embrace structure: The approach to choosing a managed SD-WAN provider must involve clear requirements, methodology, and measurement. While it will be tempting to focus on the bells and whistles offered by a particular solution and the challenges that could come with implementation, it’s important that enterprises also consider the adaptations that will be necessary for the overall organization. This includes aligning network teams with application teams to get the full benefits to applications offered through SD-WAN.

Include stakeholders: An important element of a successful managed SD-WAN implementation is the buy-in of all levels of stakeholders, from executives to end users. Clearly identifying pain points will help inform what your architecture should look like when the implementation is complete and help you measure whether your efforts successfully solved your networking challenges. Along the way, involvement from stakeholders will help preserve a clear perception of the process and how it is impacting network connectivity.

Manage the hype: There’s a lot of buzz around SD-WAN, and the right managed SD-WAN provider can help you realistically examine the benefits you can expect. From zero-touch provisioning to centralized control and visibility, automated traffic management, and a huge reduction in WAN costs, there’s a lot of potential involved with SD-WAN implementation. While each of these advantages is being seen with SD-WAN, a managed SD-WAN provider can help you determine what’s required to achieve these benefits in your particular network environment.

Expand your managed service provider horizons: Don’t simply task your existing managed service provider with SD-WAN management. You may need to enlist a third party that can help you evaluate managed SD-WAN with a clear set of requirements. If you utilize multiple managed service providers for a variety of segments in your IT environment, you’ll want a third-party specialist that can help you identify any potential gaps in any provider’s solution.

If you need assistance beginning your path to managed SD-WAN, contact us at Enterprise Visions. From identifying your networking pain points and evaluating a range of SD-WAN solutions, Enterprise Visions can help you launch an implementation plan that leads you to the right managed SD-WAN provider.