Your cloud environment must be secure, not only for the sake of your data but also for the data you keep about your clients. If your business is like most companies, you’ve jumped on the cloud train, but have you looked into cloud security as thoroughly as you should have?
By taking a multi-layered approach, you can protect yourself where others have failed. And with any good plan, you have to follow various security protocols. We’ve listed below some of the best practices in cloud security protocol.
Keep Tabs on Your Cloud
Monitoring your cloud environment is important because, without a careful eye on what’s going on, you won’t know when something is amiss. You’re looking for performance issues, such as speed, but just as important — or more so — is your security. One of the more important focuses when monitoring security is in your access logs because this is where you’ll find suspicious activity that will alert you to take action.
Don’t rely on your cloud provider alone for monitoring solutions, because while they will monitor some aspects, your data is your responsibility. Make sure you know what they’ve got covered so you can keep tabs on the rest.
Encryption Is the Key
You need to guard your data in the cloud as closely as you did (or do) with your data stored on premises. And while the cloud can be a highly secure domain, breaches do happen, which is why you need to encrypt your data. If encrypted data is accessed, it’s essentially useless to the cybercriminal. Native encryption tools are the go-to for cloud providers, but you should talk to a third party about more advanced encryption tools that you can use for your unique environment.
Lock Down Your End Users
Human error is probably one of the most common causes of data breaches. Your employees need to know that they’re accountable for things as simple as password hygiene. Make sure they know how to access data in a safe and secure fashion and that they’re following your policy on updating security software.
Swift Recovery
Even with the best planning, the worst can happen. The worst-case scenario for most companies is a complete loss of their data. This can, and has, led to a complete meltdown where recovery simply isn’t possible and the company folds. To keep yourself in the clear, make sure you have a data back-up and recovery plan. With the right recovery plan in place, should you fall victim to a ransomware attack, you can disregard the demands of the hackers and access your backed-up data, patch the holes that led to the attack, and get on with business.
Your data needs protection. Enterprise Visions understands that and has solutions that will be a custom fit for your organization. If your security safeguards are too complex to monitor, we can assist. If you need an expert on data security, we’re the agent for you. Contact us, and let’s discuss your needs.