
June 19, 2014
A few years ago, a new concept emerged in the business world: that of the so-called "data steward." These data stewards would make it their sole focus to organize, vet, manage, and update all the digital information that a company needs for its strategic planning and competition initiatives. Fast-forward to the present: data stewards now have become an integral feature of compa[…]
Filed Under: email, Trends
June 6, 2014
CIOs need to take immediate, proactive steps to adapt to the changing information technology landscape or risk being outperformed by competitors who jumped on board already. This is the premise of Charles Araujo's new book The Quantum Age of IT: Why Everything You Know About IT Is About to Change. Araujo is the CEO of the IT Transformation Institute. Adapt or Die? According to […]
Filed Under: email, Industry News