
Solving SDN Security Challenges

May 13, 2019
Solving SDN Security Challenges

Software-defined networking (SDN) allows enterprises to gain better control over their local area network (LAN) through centralized management. Network administrators can manipulate physical and virtual network devices such as routers, gateways, and switches. It’s all programmable by the end user, providing important benefits to the enterprise. There are also some SDN security challenges.

While the higher level of visibility with SDN improves some aspects of security, like most technological advances, it also introduces new vulnerabilities. The core of SDN security concerns centers on the controller because anyone who has access to the controller can manipulate any aspect of the network. Here are some steps you can take to better secure your network when deploying SDN:

Prioritize Controller Security. The SDN controller is the first point of focus for any network security strategy because a successful attack can disrupt or disable all network functions. Enterprises can combat this vulnerability by employing role-based authentication to ensure the right employees are accessing the controller. Network security can also be improved by utilizing micro-segmentation to align workloads with specific policies.

Use a Balanced Approach. Of course, securing the network goes beyond considerations related to the controller. You can improve your defenses against a breach by balancing your focus in three main areas:

  • Securing confidentiality of data
  • Ensuring the integrity of the system
  • Protecting the availability of network functions

It’s also important to incorporate compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or other industry-specific regulations that may impact how your network is secured.

Plan Ahead. One of the most common mistakes that results in a breach is simply failing to take a proactive approach to SDN security. Taking the right steps during deployment can help mitigate some of the risk. For instance, enterprises can use explicit route connectivity to protect the network against an intruder.

Gain Visibility. After SDN is launched, it’s important to gain granular insight into network activity. Take advantage of network analytics to better understand how traffic is moving through the network and detect any anomalies that might indicate an intrusion has been attempted. Analytics have the added benefit of helping your organization detect where the network can be configured for better performance through load balancing and prioritization.

If you’re considering a network upgrade, don’t let SDN security challenges impact the success of your deployment. Contact us at Enterprise Visions to discuss strategies for securing your network with strategic planning before the upgrade is launched.