August 24, 2015
Cloud switching is rapidly becoming the trend as opposed to the exception in this industry. In fact, countless clients are going from provider to provider in hopes of finding the best data storage plans and security platforms to meet their needs. According to IT experts, this burgeoning trend continues to soar. There are, however, certain aspects to keep in mind when looking fo[…]
June 29, 2015
Hybrid cloud servers continue to soar in global popularity and effectively tackle security and compliance concerns. Whether for personal or commercial storage purposes, these utilities are designed to facilitate and house a myriad of applications, files, and documents. Their user-friendly interfaces also secure client access and interaction with little to no downtime. However, […]
April 27, 2015
The IT industry is on the brink of some major changes. System assemblies, components, and hardware configurations are affected by innovative software and storage concepts like white box and Solid State Drives (SSDs). Lightning-fast networks and increased SSD/flash storage are the primary influences behind industry-wide improved system performance. Just as predicted by Moore's L[…]
November 7, 2014
When looking at technology over the last few decades, it's impressive to see how far computing has come and inspiring to consider where it’s going. As hardware has gotten smaller and the cloud has enveloped most of the data in the civilized world, the Next Big Thing has now arrived and is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Think of how the personal technology landscape has […]