
Transitioning to a Unified Communications Service: Preparation Is Key

June 15, 2015

shutterstock_98451560When considering a transition to Unified Communications (UC) services, it's important for a business to find the right provider and build a strong relationship with them. The best way to accomplish this is to clearly communicate business needs, which will help illuminate if and how critical requirements will mesh with the provider's services.

Business Requirements

Businesses have unique needs, and any business looking to transition to UC should first develop a list of their key business requirements. This list should be presented to the UC provider so that they can best meet the business's requirements.

Creating this list is as simple as knowing how employees are using or not using the existing phone system. A successful solution and implementation will rely on knowing what hot buttons users require.

Preparation for Demonstrations

A demonstration has value for both the business looking to buy and the provider looking to sell. As businesses are the customer in this instance, the onus is on the vendor to present themselves as the best option to fit the needs of the business. However, the business should research the provider and prepare for the demonstration to truly know if they are the best match.

Being prepared will keep the business from being overwhelmed with industry jargon, especially if the vendor moves quickly through the presentation. Businesses will get the most out of the demonstration by asking two key questions:

  • What is the biggest need of the business?
  • Is collaboration or mobility more important?

It's important to ask questions and request clarification for anything that is unclear. By being prepared, a business will be able to see exactly which provider will best benefit how they wish to change and grow.

Systems Already in Place

Most existing businesses will already have a system in place and should consider how the vendor's services will interact with that system. Will only select employees need to switch to the UC system? Will it be a company-wide change? Cost is certainly a factor in this decision.

Preparation is the best way for a business to find the vendor and services that will help them transition to a UC service with minimum hassle. By knowing exactly what the business requirements are, taking the time to ask questions in demonstrations, and assessing how the new system will fit with the old, businesses will be able to make an informed choice.