January 23, 2018
How Digital Transformation Can Help You “Go Green” and Remain Relevant In the past, businesses had a choice when it came to digital transformation – they could dive in, or just wait it out and see what happened. That time has come and gone. Digital transformation is no longer optional. When enough companies transition to the technologies and processes that make up “digital,” experts believe there will also be a positive impact on the Earth. The to[…]
November 6, 2017
How 5G May Help Mobile Unified Communications Improve How 5G May Help Mobile Unified Communications Improve Unified communications has revolutionized collaboration and enabled enterprises to disregard geography when recruiting talent. With real-time communication through video conferencing and other collaborative tools, teams can improve business processes and efficiently exchange ideas. But there’s one area where unified communic[…]
February 8, 2016
Meeting Financial Goals with Unified Communications Every good business manager strives to strengthen the bottom line by keeping costs low and revenue growing, but some approaches to accomplishing this are better than others. Purchasing the lowest cost system tools or drastically cutting payroll may cause headaches while providing very little savings. One way to minimize expenses without sacrificing features and productivity is […]