June 29, 2015
Hybrid cloud servers continue to soar in global popularity and effectively tackle security and compliance concerns. Whether for personal or commercial storage purposes, these utilities are designed to facilitate and house a myriad of applications, files, and documents. Their user-friendly interfaces also secure client access and interaction with little to no downtime. However, […]
May 11, 2015
Just like Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and other self-help technology trends, shadow cloud is becoming a quick and convenient way for employees to do their work. It may be a software, hardware, or web service that meets the requirements of their projects, but it's something that employees typically acquire without the approval of corporate IT. While the employee benefits are si[…]
January 22, 2015
The Best Security Practice for Success When success becomes the comfortable standard, it's easy to grow nonchalant about things that are important. Just because sales are high and customers are satisfied it doesn't mean there's not a need to assess current operations and plan for the future. Those who make this security mistake find themselves at risk when a new change in the industry rolls out and the business is n[…]
January 8, 2015
The Ins and Outs of Virtual CPE for SMBs Thanks to virtual CPE (customer premises equipment), business assessment and innovation can now merge comfortably with technology and the demands placed on it by inner-company network users. From management to customers, everyone with CPE works in real time without the challenges of distance, time, or capability. No longer just a viable option for large companies, virtual CPE i[…]
December 22, 2014
Navigating the Cloudy Skies: Preventing Sprawl Virtualization has made conducting business easier than ever. Quickly adopted by businesses from the outset, cloud technologies made it possible to share vast quantities of information with clients, customers, and employees located throughout the world. What started out as a simple idea grew as rapidly as the suburbs of major metropolitan areas. Cloud Sprawl Cloud sprawl has cr[…]
December 8, 2014
Too Good to be True?: The Truth about Cloud Data Security “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” This adage has often been a guiding principle for the overcautious. Those who are more enterprising, however, find guidance in the words of Albert Einstein, who is believed to have said that, “a ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for.” In the world of information technology, the shore is […]
September 5, 2014
7 Key Cloud Migration Considerations Cloud computing has made major in-roads in the business world over the past few years with software as a service (SaaS) becoming a particularly popular solution. Moving to the cloud offers many benefits for businesses, including reduced costs and improved productivity. Before adopting cloud solutions, companies should carefully consider what effective cloud computing will look […]