March 4, 2019
A Cloud Solution - Flexible and Scalable You’ve decided to invest in a cloud solution for your contact center communications. You’ve heard about reduced costs, the elimination of hardware and maintenance, automated updating, and the flexible and scalable benefits of cloud solutions. You’ve anticipated an unprecedented calm descending on your IT team as they begin to have time to consider strategic technology initiativ[…]
December 3, 2018
Why Cloud Computing May be Safer for Healthcare Organizations Just a few years ago, the concept of cloud computing seemed off-limits for healthcare organizations. The sensitive data handled by hospitals, clinics and insurers would be out there, exposed and available to any curious “wannabe hacker” that could infiltrate a cloud server. Fast forward just a bit, and cloud computing is now considered a safer option than on-site data storage s[…]
November 5, 2018
3 Tips for Improved Cloud Security It didn’t take long for the concept of cloud computing to take off and become widespread across all industries. And while there are great advantages to adopting cloud-based solutions, there are many cyber criminals taking advantage of any possible weakness, which is why cloud security has taken center stage for most IT departments. Increasingly, it’s more than just the IT profe[…]
August 6, 2018
Cloud-Based Solutions Aren’t Scary with the Right Compliance Plan The prevalence of security breaches that make headlines has stoked fears among many, shaping the decisions of those who avoid cloud-based solutions. The breaches in the headlines are often those that hit their mark with a phishing tactic that catches employees unaware. They click on a link and their data is suddenly compromised. Or, password hygiene is so poor that the system i[…]
June 4, 2018
Key Questions to Ask Before Making Decisions on Cloud Transitions There’s a lot of momentum among enterprises to shift workloads to the cloud, but as you shape your digital transformation strategy, you may get stuck in discussions about which cloud. You’ve contemplated all the benefits of public, private and hybrid cloud and you’re no closer to determining the right path. There are a few key questions that can help you clear away some of the […]
May 21, 2018
Using Smart Data to Better Manage Cloud Technology The benefits of cloud solutions are leading to a transition to the cloud in a wide variety of applications, including software designed to improve the customer experience, networking solutions that apply software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN), and security tools that monitor the broad plane of risk that cloud technology introduces. In all areas of technology, enterprise[…]
May 7, 2018
Healthcare Digitization Strategies in the Cloud While improvements in technology continue to become available, the healthcare industry lacks when it comes to digital maturity. Virtusa, a digital engineering and IT outsourcing company, found in a recent study that in the “perfect storm of digital disruption,” some companies are worried about being late to the game with regard to their digital transformation efforts. They also[…]
April 2, 2018
When Planning a Move to Cloud Communications, Consider All Your Options For organizations considering an investment in cloud communications, there are generally a couple of factors driving that decision. Cloud solutions often provide sizable cost savings, with the ability to scale up or down in a subscription-based pay structure, in addition to a reduction in hardware and maintenance costs. The other major consideration is disruption. If your enter[…]
January 9, 2018
Controlling Costs and Managing Security Remain Top Cloud Concerns Enterprises are embracing cloud solutions, often beginning with data storage in the cloud and then expanding to additional service-based cloud offerings such as Platform as a Service (PaaS) or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). A recent surveyfound that the cloud market is growing by 40 percent annually, driven by enterprises’ adoption of hybrid cloud and multi-cloud environme[…]
September 18, 2017
Why Cloud UC Is the Right Choice for Your Company Cloud technology helps companies access the latest innovations at a reduced cost compared to legacy systems. This applies not only to the acquisition of new cloud software options, but in broader terms, too, with businesses finding that the Everything as a Service (XaaS) model serves them well in a variety of areas. The same is true for cloud unified communications (UC), which […]