
June 1, 2015
Technological innovation, in many ways, has caught up with what was only an imagined possibility 30, 20, or even 10 years ago. Global communications and real-time access to crucial data information and other business applications through BYOD (bring your own device) seems completely in line with science fiction, rather than science fact. Indeed, while hoverboards and flying car[…]
May 25, 2015
Several steps are involved in the process of developing a Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) plan. There are many things for IT personnel to consider, from setting goals, to defining use cases. Failing to plan effectively can be detrimental to business operations, making adopting difficult for employees, and potentially posing security risks. The main reason that mo[…]
May 11, 2015
Just like Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and other self-help technology trends, shadow cloud is becoming a quick and convenient way for employees to do their work. It may be a software, hardware, or web service that meets the requirements of their projects, but it's something that employees typically acquire without the approval of corporate IT. While the employee benefits are si[…]
April 27, 2015
The IT industry is on the brink of some major changes. System assemblies, components, and hardware configurations are affected by innovative software and storage concepts like white box and Solid State Drives (SSDs). Lightning-fast networks and increased SSD/flash storage are the primary influences behind industry-wide improved system performance. Just as predicted by Moore's L[…]
March 30, 2015
If anyone needs another indicator of how quickly online technologies are revolutionizing business, it's in how quickly companies are having to add C-level employees to deal with tech issues. Just a year or two ago, businesses were only starting to get used to the idea of having a Chief Information Officer at all. Times have changed. Today, cyber-crime problems have reached a ti[…]
March 9, 2015
Consistent and complete access to data opens many possibilities for organizations. One way to gain better data visibility is through data virtualization. Data virtualization allows businesses to collectively view enterprise data gathered from many different sources. Connection to More Data Data virtualization allows business users to access internal and external data without th[…]
February 18, 2015
Mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, are becoming ubiquitous. Devices are widely used among consumers, and many companies have deployed mobile devices as part of a strategy to mobilize the workforce. While mobile devices can increase efficiency by allowing employees to be more productive outside the office, these devices also introduce a variety of threats to the […]
February 4, 2015
Millennials, defined roughly as people born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s, comprise about one-quarter of the workforce of the United States. By 2020, Millennials will make up half of the world's workforce. This generation is comfortable with new technologies and the innovative ways technology is changing communications. Young people in the workforce, who are comfo[…]
January 22, 2015
The Best Security Practice for Success When success becomes the comfortable standard, it's easy to grow nonchalant about things that are important. Just because sales are high and customers are satisfied it doesn't mean there's not a need to assess current operations and plan for the future. Those who make this security mistake find themselves at risk when a new change in the industry rolls out and the business is n[…]
January 8, 2015
The Ins and Outs of Virtual CPE for SMBs Thanks to virtual CPE (customer premises equipment), business assessment and innovation can now merge comfortably with technology and the demands placed on it by inner-company network users. From management to customers, everyone with CPE works in real time without the challenges of distance, time, or capability. No longer just a viable option for large companies, virtual CPE i[…]