
October 22, 2015
Essential WAN Security Tips Security threats continue to impact countless organizations. These include phishing campaigns which lure unsuspecting users to open emails and click on embedded links. Malware, viruses, and even adware are on the rise, threatening enterprise infrastructure and productivity. Security hacks and breaches result in billions of dollars of lost revenue for global brands and companies[…]
October 6, 2015
2015 has been a banner year for enterprise cloud communications in multiple sectors. With the year nearly over, however, it is vital for enterprises to start shifting on-site communications and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions to the cloud. This will prevent businesses from falling behind while enabling them to tap into this burgeoning trend. With on-premises priva[…]
September 24, 2015
Cloud platforms are the preferred choice for countless enterprises and burgeoning industries. IT developers continue to build on existing cloud platforms in order to deploy multi-faceted applications, secure optimal capabilities, and foster greater speed, choice, and cost transparency for clients. Developers are also keeping a keen eye on curtailing downtime, ensuring that clou[…]
September 8, 2015
Many businesses are reluctant to update their phone systems to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), mainly because of fears surrounding the usability, cost, and convenience of this new technology. Small business owners are often needlessly wary about VoIP services because of certain myths. Following are some of these myths and the realities that debunk them. Myth 1: VoIP Isn't […]
August 24, 2015
Cloud switching is rapidly becoming the trend as opposed to the exception in this industry. In fact, countless clients are going from provider to provider in hopes of finding the best data storage plans and security platforms to meet their needs. According to IT experts, this burgeoning trend continues to soar. There are, however, certain aspects to keep in mind when looking fo[…]
August 10, 2015
Businesses rely on a stable phone system that won't easily succumb to technical issues or cost a fortune to maintain. The best phone systems are both flexible and scalable, adapting as businesses grow. On the other hand, a phone system that experiences problems and results in nearly unmanageable costs can greatly hinder a business's ability to advance. There are many factors th[…]
July 20, 2015
Big data processing has arrived at countless call centers worldwide. This revolutionary concept utilizes contemporary analytical tools to process large amounts of bulk data. This enables IT departments to pinpoint new trends and potential opportunities for their respective firms. IT departments also play key roles in storing the data and purchasing the right tools for optimal d[…]
July 6, 2015
Technology continues to advance at alarming rates. The evolution of technology, however, is not a direct line but rather a series of gradual improvements and enhancements. The experience of the unified cloud platform illustrates this well. First Generation – Single Service Cloud Platforms In the mid 2000s, heavily invested in research and development, which led t[…]
June 29, 2015
Hybrid cloud servers continue to soar in global popularity and effectively tackle security and compliance concerns. Whether for personal or commercial storage purposes, these utilities are designed to facilitate and house a myriad of applications, files, and documents. Their user-friendly interfaces also secure client access and interaction with little to no downtime. However, […]
June 15, 2015
When considering a transition to Unified Communications (UC) services, it's important for a business to find the right provider and build a strong relationship with them. The best way to accomplish this is to clearly communicate business needs, which will help illuminate if and how critical requirements will mesh with the provider's services. Business Requirements Businesses ha[…]