November 26, 2019
How Digital Transformation Can Uplift Your 2020 Business Operations 2020 marks the beginning of a new decade – one in which we are sure to see continued, massive advances in technology. As technology evolves, businesses have the ever-consuming task of keeping up with the latest and greatest to decide if it's right for them. Even if your business isn't trying to implement the sleekest, newest technologies, you're at least likely trying to keep u[…]
May 7, 2018
Healthcare Digitization Strategies in the Cloud While improvements in technology continue to become available, the healthcare industry lacks when it comes to digital maturity. Virtusa, a digital engineering and IT outsourcing company, found in a recent study that in the “perfect storm of digital disruption,” some companies are worried about being late to the game with regard to their digital transformation efforts. They also[…]
January 23, 2018
How Digital Transformation Can Help You “Go Green” and Remain Relevant In the past, businesses had a choice when it came to digital transformation – they could dive in, or just wait it out and see what happened. That time has come and gone. Digital transformation is no longer optional. When enough companies transition to the technologies and processes that make up “digital,” experts believe there will also be a positive impact on the Earth. The to[…]